It's insane how different a person can be after two years.
It's insane how much a person can like someone after just communicating via email and letter for two years.
It's insane to keep holding on to something.
It's insane because I've thought of every situation that could possibly happen.
It's insane because I keep over-analyzing every single thing that has happened for the past two years.
It's insane to keep imagining life with him when it very well could happen without him.
It's insane how much I still care about what he thinks of me.
It's insane how I turn into my high school self every time I think about spending time with him. (What if he doesn't like me, what if, what if, what if.)
It's insane how much I want to hug him.
It's insane. yes.
But I think I'm a little insane.
It's insane because I keep over-analyzing every single thing that has happened for the past two years.
It's insane to keep imagining life with him when it very well could happen without him.
It's insane how much I still care about what he thinks of me.
It's insane how I turn into my high school self every time I think about spending time with him. (What if he doesn't like me, what if, what if, what if.)
It's insane how much I want to hug him.
It's insane. yes.
But I think I'm a little insane.