Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We wish you a Merry Christmas

Christmas Time!

I am pretty much the most boring teenager on the planet. My Christmas gifts included:

1. Clothing (A shirt, A sweater)

2. A gift card to get more clothes

3.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2

4. All of the Harry Potter Books

5. Gloves (3 pairs! Yay!)

6. A scarf and hat set (I live in the arctic.)

Boring. But exactly what I wanted. It's perfect.

Its been a good break. But I miss him.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

Football: The greatest sport...ever. And one that I happen to be obsessed with. 

But just this one team. BOISE STATE. Oh I am a crazy fan, although I try not to show it in front of strangers, because they might get scared off...and I wouldn't want that.

I just had to do a blog post about last night's bowl game. Boise was on a roll. The made ASU look stupid. (oops I shouldn't say that out loud. Oh wait its a blog people are reading it.) 

Golly I just really like beating the teams that are supposedly in "better conferences" therefore making them "better teams." I think Boise has shattered that mentality. (hopefully...)

Anyways, Kellen Moore, Doug Martin, and the rest of the seniors got their 50th win last night. And they did it in style.

These are two of my favorite people in the world. And I've never even met them. They are just awesome. 
I literally almost cried when the reporters kept talking about how it was their final game, and how they had to go out with a bang. It was sad. But I'm excited to see who steps up next year and becomes the new leaders of the Broncos.

Well boys, until next year!  Cheers on your victory. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anything you can do I can do better

Okay maybe not anything, but I am teaching myself a lot of fun new things!
My nails! They are red with green tips and a white stripe. Christmasy . (That's not a word. But I'm going to use it anyway.)
This is a headband I crocheted! Pretty good for a first project if I do say so myself!

I have become quite the crafty chick since signing up for pinterest. It's really going to be the death of me. I have so many cool things that I want to try. One thing at a time...one thing at a time....that's my mantra for now.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today I am home. And it feels so good. I miss home SOO much. Here is a list of things that were wonderful when I went home.  (I feel like I might have done this blog post before, but who cares. The world needs to know this stuff!)

1. A pantry full of food. I almost cried when I saw how much food there was in the pantry. I could make so many meals with it. It was wonderful.

2. A dishwasher. I gladly cleaned the kitchen tonight just so I could use the dishwasher. It was the greatest thing ever.

3. A dining room/full kitchen. There is counter space! Its lovely! And there is a table I can actually sit down and eat at.

4. A full refrigerator plus another one in the garage full of milk. If you know me you know how much I love milk. And to be able to go out to the garage and just get another gallon is AMAZING.

5. Family. They might be loud, but they are great. And fun. I have all sorts of plans for these 3 weeks.


I miss school already.

I miss my friends. A couple of people in particular. You know who you are.  Okay right now that is the only part of school I miss. But really! How am I supposed to survive without them? They've become an integral part of who I am.

But no worries! A trip to Walmart is in my future (or Office Depot/Staples) for a webcam. So people that would like to Skype with me have no fear! I will be a skyping machine soon! Love you guys! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

White and Nerdy

I found this lovely blog today. Its called nerd quirks on tumblr. (Click here to go there). I don't know if you know this about me (I mean I know most people reading this know me pretty well, or they wouldn't be reading this) but I love to read! Anything I can get my hands on. 

And I've just begun to realize how much of a nerd I actually am. 

I practically worship Harry Potter. Like I can point out all of the continuity errors between books. 

I love Star Wars. 

I try to read a novel a day.

I sing along to Broadway musicals.

I push up my glasses with one finger on the bridge of my nose. (If you don't get this, you don't have glasses)

When I read I make the facial expressions of the characters in the book. (You should watch me sometime, I catch myself making some pretty funny faces!)

Well anyways. I don't know why I decided to tell you all of this, maybe I am just bored. Probably. It's finals week. I should be studying.
If any of you have noticed any of my other "nerd quirks" please feel free to let me know in the comments! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Me and My Gang

I have made some amazing friends at college! They are fantastic. I honestly don't know what I would do without them in my life. (Cheesy, I know. But get over it.) I have some pretty great times with them! I'm lucky to have them!

So here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. These are from my date to Temple Square on Saturday! Amazing place for a date. I highly recommend it. Except there were approximately a million and three people there.


I love this girl. She is my best friend and I feel like I could tell her anything. Oh wait, I do tell her everything.

They are kinda sorta fun to have around...haha :)
 This next picture is not from temple square, I just love it! These are some of my favorite people on the planet right now. They are hilarious and constantly making me laugh!
Oh these boys are fun to hang out with. I'm so glad I got to know them!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Going to the [Temple]

So I decided for this blog post I would do something different! Me and Kenz made video diaries of our trip to my sister's reception! So I am going to put those on here! Enjoy. The first one you can't see us, and the last one my hair looks lovely....that is extremely sarcastic. But no matter. Enjoy!

And now on a completely different note, I love having mini-dates! They are lovely. When I got back to Logan on saturday my boyfriend asked me if I would like to go on one with him. We went to their apartment and played Wizard (A really long, complicated game that is really fun, but I am horrible at it) with his roommate and his girlfriend. It was way fun.