Friday, December 23, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

Football: The greatest sport...ever. And one that I happen to be obsessed with. 

But just this one team. BOISE STATE. Oh I am a crazy fan, although I try not to show it in front of strangers, because they might get scared off...and I wouldn't want that.

I just had to do a blog post about last night's bowl game. Boise was on a roll. The made ASU look stupid. (oops I shouldn't say that out loud. Oh wait its a blog people are reading it.) 

Golly I just really like beating the teams that are supposedly in "better conferences" therefore making them "better teams." I think Boise has shattered that mentality. (hopefully...)

Anyways, Kellen Moore, Doug Martin, and the rest of the seniors got their 50th win last night. And they did it in style.

These are two of my favorite people in the world. And I've never even met them. They are just awesome. 
I literally almost cried when the reporters kept talking about how it was their final game, and how they had to go out with a bang. It was sad. But I'm excited to see who steps up next year and becomes the new leaders of the Broncos.

Well boys, until next year!  Cheers on your victory. 

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