Tuesday, December 13, 2011

White and Nerdy

I found this lovely blog today. Its called nerd quirks on tumblr. (Click here to go there). I don't know if you know this about me (I mean I know most people reading this know me pretty well, or they wouldn't be reading this) but I love to read! Anything I can get my hands on. 

And I've just begun to realize how much of a nerd I actually am. 

I practically worship Harry Potter. Like I can point out all of the continuity errors between books. 

I love Star Wars. 

I try to read a novel a day.

I sing along to Broadway musicals.

I push up my glasses with one finger on the bridge of my nose. (If you don't get this, you don't have glasses)

When I read I make the facial expressions of the characters in the book. (You should watch me sometime, I catch myself making some pretty funny faces!)

Well anyways. I don't know why I decided to tell you all of this, maybe I am just bored. Probably. It's finals week. I should be studying.
If any of you have noticed any of my other "nerd quirks" please feel free to let me know in the comments! 

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