Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We wish you a Merry Christmas

Christmas Time!

I am pretty much the most boring teenager on the planet. My Christmas gifts included:

1. Clothing (A shirt, A sweater)

2. A gift card to get more clothes

3.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2

4. All of the Harry Potter Books

5. Gloves (3 pairs! Yay!)

6. A scarf and hat set (I live in the arctic.)

Boring. But exactly what I wanted. It's perfect.

Its been a good break. But I miss him.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

Football: The greatest sport...ever. And one that I happen to be obsessed with. 

But just this one team. BOISE STATE. Oh I am a crazy fan, although I try not to show it in front of strangers, because they might get scared off...and I wouldn't want that.

I just had to do a blog post about last night's bowl game. Boise was on a roll. The made ASU look stupid. (oops I shouldn't say that out loud. Oh wait its a blog people are reading it.) 

Golly I just really like beating the teams that are supposedly in "better conferences" therefore making them "better teams." I think Boise has shattered that mentality. (hopefully...)

Anyways, Kellen Moore, Doug Martin, and the rest of the seniors got their 50th win last night. And they did it in style.

These are two of my favorite people in the world. And I've never even met them. They are just awesome. 
I literally almost cried when the reporters kept talking about how it was their final game, and how they had to go out with a bang. It was sad. But I'm excited to see who steps up next year and becomes the new leaders of the Broncos.

Well boys, until next year!  Cheers on your victory. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anything you can do I can do better

Okay maybe not anything, but I am teaching myself a lot of fun new things!
My nails! They are red with green tips and a white stripe. Christmasy . (That's not a word. But I'm going to use it anyway.)
This is a headband I crocheted! Pretty good for a first project if I do say so myself!

I have become quite the crafty chick since signing up for pinterest. It's really going to be the death of me. I have so many cool things that I want to try. One thing at a time...one thing at a time....that's my mantra for now.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today I am home. And it feels so good. I miss home SOO much. Here is a list of things that were wonderful when I went home.  (I feel like I might have done this blog post before, but who cares. The world needs to know this stuff!)

1. A pantry full of food. I almost cried when I saw how much food there was in the pantry. I could make so many meals with it. It was wonderful.

2. A dishwasher. I gladly cleaned the kitchen tonight just so I could use the dishwasher. It was the greatest thing ever.

3. A dining room/full kitchen. There is counter space! Its lovely! And there is a table I can actually sit down and eat at.

4. A full refrigerator plus another one in the garage full of milk. If you know me you know how much I love milk. And to be able to go out to the garage and just get another gallon is AMAZING.

5. Family. They might be loud, but they are great. And fun. I have all sorts of plans for these 3 weeks.


I miss school already.

I miss my friends. A couple of people in particular. You know who you are.  Okay right now that is the only part of school I miss. But really! How am I supposed to survive without them? They've become an integral part of who I am.

But no worries! A trip to Walmart is in my future (or Office Depot/Staples) for a webcam. So people that would like to Skype with me have no fear! I will be a skyping machine soon! Love you guys! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

White and Nerdy

I found this lovely blog today. Its called nerd quirks on tumblr. (Click here to go there). I don't know if you know this about me (I mean I know most people reading this know me pretty well, or they wouldn't be reading this) but I love to read! Anything I can get my hands on. 

And I've just begun to realize how much of a nerd I actually am. 

I practically worship Harry Potter. Like I can point out all of the continuity errors between books. 

I love Star Wars. 

I try to read a novel a day.

I sing along to Broadway musicals.

I push up my glasses with one finger on the bridge of my nose. (If you don't get this, you don't have glasses)

When I read I make the facial expressions of the characters in the book. (You should watch me sometime, I catch myself making some pretty funny faces!)

Well anyways. I don't know why I decided to tell you all of this, maybe I am just bored. Probably. It's finals week. I should be studying.
If any of you have noticed any of my other "nerd quirks" please feel free to let me know in the comments! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Me and My Gang

I have made some amazing friends at college! They are fantastic. I honestly don't know what I would do without them in my life. (Cheesy, I know. But get over it.) I have some pretty great times with them! I'm lucky to have them!

So here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. These are from my date to Temple Square on Saturday! Amazing place for a date. I highly recommend it. Except there were approximately a million and three people there.


I love this girl. She is my best friend and I feel like I could tell her anything. Oh wait, I do tell her everything.

They are kinda sorta fun to have around...haha :)
 This next picture is not from temple square, I just love it! These are some of my favorite people on the planet right now. They are hilarious and constantly making me laugh!
Oh these boys are fun to hang out with. I'm so glad I got to know them!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Going to the [Temple]

So I decided for this blog post I would do something different! Me and Kenz made video diaries of our trip to my sister's reception! So I am going to put those on here! Enjoy. The first one you can't see us, and the last one my hair looks lovely....that is extremely sarcastic. But no matter. Enjoy!

And now on a completely different note, I love having mini-dates! They are lovely. When I got back to Logan on saturday my boyfriend asked me if I would like to go on one with him. We went to their apartment and played Wizard (A really long, complicated game that is really fun, but I am horrible at it) with his roommate and his girlfriend. It was way fun. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Night to Remember

Thanksgiving: Food, Fun, Family

Food: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes (these almost weren't on the thanksgiving table), chocolate cream pie, pumpkin pie, winter salad, oh and the all important CHEESE BALL. Odd that that is my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner but it is. If you are laughing at me right now just ask me for the recipe of this cheese ball and you will understand.

Fun: Football! The Biennial Hunt Family Turkey Bowl went underway yesterday around 11:30. I actually played this year. And I am feeling the consequences. Don't worry. I'll be fine. But my team did lose. (Actually I claim the other team cheated. They stacked their team.)

Family: Ah my family is great. They love me and I know it. I love them as well. I love playing princess makeover with my cousins, I love having to keep my phone always near me because I know what will happen if one of my uncle's gets a hold of it, I love being able to talk to them, I love watching football with them. I just love spending time with them.

I love Thanksgiving. I don't like skipping over it to get to Christmas. I am blessed with so much.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Right here, Right now

This has been the longest week of my life.

But its been one of the best weeks of my life.

Mostly because of this kid. He makes it easy to be happy. <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Past the Point of No Return

I was going to start this post off with a dictionary definition of the word stress. But I didn't find one I liked, so here is my idea.

Stress: (v) Staying up late trying to register, then having the server crash so you don't get into the classes you need to take. (The picture is of us all on our laptops trying to register. Note Kenz's face of panic.)

Now that is what I call stress. Let's start at the beginning shall we?

Once upon a time it was November 16, 2011. Every freshman on USU campus was staying up to register the classes we need for next semester. 

12:01 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Mad rush to click refresh at the same time so we can register

12:02 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Campus wide panic as we realize the server is down

12:07 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Still freaking out. Someone had the brilliant idea to go find better internet. So we ask ourselves, where on campus has better internet. The INSTITUTE. So we rush there and sit on the freezing cement.

12:27 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Still sitting. Freezing. Entertaining ourselves by posting silly things on facebook, then waiting for everyone around us to comment.

12:52 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Freezing my appendages off. Decide to watch an amazing video full of really cool people who can do really cool things. 

1:00 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Give in, pack up and go home. 

1:08 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Watch Phantom of the Opera to try to hold back our tears. Its going to be a long night. 

*Fall asleep somewhere in here. Not sure about the approximate time*

2:03 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Decide to go to bed. It wasn't worth it. 

7:29 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Get a text message telling me the server is up and you can register for classes

7: 46 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Try to register for classes. Realize my greenhouse class is full and there is no waitlist option. Bitter and complete disappointment. *Excuse me while I go cry....Okay I'm back*

Well. There was my adventure of last night. I hope you enjoyed reading about it and not having to live it. Have a fabulous day! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have decided this is true. Things are always changing, always fluctuating.

People come in and out of our lives all of the time. As the age-old song says:

"Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other's gold"

I think I may have found me some gold friends this week/end.

It was so fun! We watched Psych, watched a basketball game (well actually I slept during the basketball game...I didn't mean to! I was just so tired!) Made epic wishes on 11/11/11 at 11:11 (a.m. and p.m.) had our wishes come true. (At least mine!)

We also had a jam session in the top floor of snow hall! It was great. Even though I can't participate much because I have almost no musical talent. (Although one of them did make me promise to sing for him. Gah! I'd better practice! Shake the rust off of my vocal cords...)

And we got one of them to play the guitar and sing for us. It was seriously one of the greatest things I've ever heard. He is really talented.

Then today we went to their ward because a couple of them were singing in church and we didn't want to miss that! It was beautiful as well.

This weekend was just great. That's all. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Best Day

I actually did something on a Friday night this week! It was lovely! Me and my roommate decided we were going to ask someone to the girl's choice formal. So we did. And it was awesome.

We decided to make dinner and eat at our apartment rather than go out. It was a good plan. Except for the fact that there was a HUGE spider on our ceiling while we were cooking. So I ran down two flights of stairs to get someone to kill the spider. (Thanks! haha)  

So they came over, we ate, we talked, realized we were super late for the dance and walked over there. Its a 20 minute walk, and it was raining. There goes my carefully done hair...

The dance was super fun. Super hot though. Then someone said something about snow so we had to go check it out. We ended up spending the whole time by the window watching the snow and dancing. It was great. 

Then we realized we had to walk home in the snow. Not cool. Well, I guess it was cool. Cold actually. And my hair really was suffering by this point. (Which was soo sad because it looked amazing. One of my roommates did a waterfall braid and then I curled it. It was awesome. But I forgot to take pictures. I'll have to do it again sometime.) But all of us were soaked so it didn't matter all that much. 

Then we got back to our apartment and the four of us just talked. It was so fun. 

It was perfectly lovely. And we all looked fantastic. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is Halloween

So. Yesterday was Halloween. Guess what I dressed up as...

You guessed it. NOTHING! I know I'm super boring, but it's not like I was doing anything that required a costume.

Actually, me and my roommate went to Walmart to get a costume. This is what I was going to be: A Star Wars fan. (Not really dressing up but whatever.) I bought a T-Shirt and everything. But then we went over to see how much lightsabers were. They were like $10.00. Too much for me! So I was boring and didn't have a costume.

BUT! I actually went to a haunted house. (No matter how cheesy a haunted house it was, it still counts) Anyway. I was really scared. I hate being scared. I refuse to watch scary movies.

And on last Saturday Evening, October 29, 2011, when everybody and their dog went to the HOWL, me and my friends stayed in and watched "Lie to Me" its pretty much our new favorite show. We watched 4 episodes that night. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much by not going to the HOWL. (I.E. Sketchy dancing, sketchy costumes, plus questionable sobriety...I know its a dry campus but that doesn't mean people don't sneak stuff in.)

After the haunted house we watched the Mummy. Good movie, although a lot of people die in it! Sad. :(

So now its after Halloween and I can stop worrying about seeing scary things left and right.

On a different note: I'm going to a dance on Friday! I am super duper excited!

On yet another note. Remember that one guy, I blogged about him awhile back. (If you don't remember, or have never read it, click here.) Well anyway, I finally told him today that I didn't think it was going to work to go on a date with him.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for details of the super fun dance!

Friday, October 28, 2011

You're Not Sorry...

All this time I was wasting
hoping you would come around
I've been giving out chances
and all you do is let me down

And its taken me this long
Baby but I've figured out out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again
But not this time around

You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore

And you can say that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, no, no

Lookin so innocent
 I might believe you if I didn't know
Could've loved you all my life
If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold

And you've got your share of secrets
and I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
Cuz its worked each time before

But you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore

And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry, no, no, oh
You're not sorry, no, no, oh

You had me fallin for you honey
And it never would've gone away, no
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade

So you don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There's nothing left to beg for

And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry no, no, oh
You're not sorry no, no, oh

Taylor Swift is my idol.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Its the simple things in life that really make life worth living. Some simple things that make my entire day:

1. Taking naps. Have you ever just went to sleep, then woke up a couple hours later feeling fantastic? That's what happened to me today. It felt divine.

2. Getting a text from that certain someone. You're heart goes flip flop and your stomach is in knots over a text that could simply say "Hello."

3. Seeing my best friends everyday. You guys know who you are. Or you should....that would be awkward.

4. Talking to my family. I love them. Their support makes me want to do great things in my life.

5. Getting a good grade on an assignment. That's always a great part of the day. *Me checking blackboard* "hmm. I wonder if my teacher has graded that assignment? Yes! 100%. Day made."

6. Reading a fantastic book. I love reading. Any kind of book I can get my hands on. I love getting lost in the story, but I think i have mentioned that before.

7. Making a delicious dinner that consists of funeral potatoes, and 3 chocolate chip cookies. Now that is what I call healthy eating.

8. Making new friends. Simply joyous. I love to see how many people I can meet in a day. Usually its the person sitting next to me on the bus.

9. Discovering a new website that makes me laugh. See http://www.pajamacity.com/?gclid=CJP84JvQhawCFYxU7AodYRSI9Q. Basically the coolest thing ever. I'm thinking me and Kenz need to get us some of these!

10. Okay, this one is totally dorky but what can I say. Getting on facebook and having like 5 notifications. I know I shouldn't judge my worth based on my facebook statuses but that's where society has gone and I went with it.

Anyway, Thanks for reading. Have a fantastic day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

I love this nursery rhyme. So cute! And while I was in Provo I had a little experience with an egg that made me think of this nursery rhyme.

I got egged. 

Yes, you read that right. Egged. I was just strollin down the street in Provo and seemingly out of nowhere something wet was all over me. I really thought it was a rock or maybe a water balloon. It was disgusting. And it got stuff all over me. It hurt pretty bad. Actually it hurt a lot. In fact its still hurting a tad. 

I had a huge welt all weekend and the shell cut my neck.

Moral of the story is:


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hit the road Jack

Hey! Its been awhile! So I took a road trip this weekend to the lovely city of Provo. It was super fun!! I needed some time with old friends, and it was fun making new ones! So let's just do a little run-down shall we?

Friday, October 14, 2011.
Math was cancelled. Life complete
Started Road trip around 4:00 in the afternoon.
Made it to Provo, we screamed, we laughed, we cried. Oh yeah. The girls were back together again!
Dance time with the boys! Had a great time getting together with some fantastic old friends. And I pretty much love staying up late and talking, then fitting 8 people into a car that should NOT have 8 people in it...
Staying up till 3 in the morning catching up and contemplating lives.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wake up earlyish. Yes. Then regret it because of a pounding headache as a result of late night chats.
Shopping! Yay! Burlington coat factory. Trying on hideous clothing. Working said hideous clothing. Yeah. That's us.
Get real Idaho potatoes for some DELISH homemade french fries! Its just like being at home! Also we had Dino Chicken nuggets. That's how cool we are.
Swim for 7 1/2 minutes. Sit in the Hot tub for around 7 1/2 minutes, Nap on the chairs by the pool for around 45 minutes.
Eat Delicious pulled pork and rice all wrapped up in a tortilla. (Homemade Cafe Rio. Not as good as homemade Costa Vida but what are you going to do?)
Talk, sit around, watch some Storage Wars, then decide to play Imaginiff. Guess who won? ME! Thats who! Awww YEAH!!
10:30 p.m. Bored. So what do we decide to do? Go to a park of course! Swing sets, Jungle Gyms, Teeter Totters, Hopscotch, Giant Rocks. Everything a girl could ask for!
Laying down on wet grass looking up at the stars, but all we could see was clouds. Then deciding to look for shapes in the clouds. Nothing like seeing a T-Rex with a chicken body, lobster claws and the feet of a duck in a cloud and have everyone there know what you are looking at!
Staying up listening to a friend serenade us on the porch because we were at BYU and boys aren't allowed in girl's apartment's after midnight.
Go to bed late...AGAIN! We will never learn.

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sleeping on the smallest couch I've ever seen.
Get up and procrastinate getting ready for church for as long as I can. Getting ready and looking HOT! If I do say so myself.
Go to church. It was weird in a school building and not in a church building. But you know, it was church so it was AWESOME!
Go back to her apartment, load up the car and we are off. BUT not to Logan. To South Jordan to visit uncles and aunts and cousins! And I found their house all by myself. Only a little help from a GPS. (It was taking me to the Jordan Landing shopping center because I knew I could find my way from there.)
Spend much needed time with my little shadows. We played Princess beauty makeover! Lets just say I looked beautiful!
Drove back to Logan. A beautiful end to a beautiful weekend!

Have a happy day! Also I get to go home in 4 days.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You're gonna miss this

"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you."
~Christian Morganstern

I feel like this quote describes what I've been feeling exactly. I miss home. I miss my family. They are the ones that know me and know all about the ridiculous things I do and say.

Like when I randomly say a Harry Potter quote

Or when I randomly burst into song and dance

Or when I leave my shoes all over the house

Or when I watch food network all day and night.

I miss my mommy and her fantastic advice. Its not the same without her here with me. I am so thankful to have her in my life.

I miss my daddy and watching and listening to sports with him. Also analyzing things that happen during BSU games. Love you Daddy!

I miss my sister Emily and her amazing sense of humor. I love teasing her and I am super glad we text all of the time! I also miss Daniel. He is going to be a great brother-in-law. He fits into our family perfectly and we are blessed to have him in our lives. Thanks Daniel for being there for Emily. Love you guys!

I miss my sister Andrea. We are alike in so many ways its hard to even describe. We are so in sync it was awesome! Love you dear! :)

I miss Kylie! We had great times in the car driving to and from school. Thanks for the fun memories to look back on!

I miss my little brother Kyle. I miss randomly breaking into wrestling matches and totally dominating the wrestler. I miss watching his football games and cheering like mad. I miss him giving me hugs to see how tall he is compared to me. He's probably grown a foot since I left.

I miss my baby Abby. I miss seeing her art projects all around the house. I miss her hugs and the hilarious things she says. I look forward to getting your letters in the mail baby! Love you!

Going home in exactly 9 days. It can't come fast enough.

p.s. I'm such a girl. I cried like a baby writing this blog post.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Somebody's Watching Me...

Yo! What is up? Nothing much here...Its been pretty boring around my apartment lately. Except I do have an interesting story to tell you all...

I was in institute minding my own business enjoying the lesson. (It was on Joseph F. Smith if you wanted to know.) and this guy gets up to say the prayer. I don't know this guy--not his name, nothing about him. Keep this in mind. It's important. Back to the story.--he says the normal prayer, but then gets into all of this weird stuff. Like asking to be forgiven for telling white lies, stuff that really should be in a personal prayer.

Then these words come out of his mouth.

"Please bless that Hayley will say yes when I ask her out after class"

You can imagine how red my face gets at this point. I am not flattered, I am creeped out. What kind of guy prays about a girl in front of an entire institute class?

I am kind of worried about going to Institute now to be completely honest. I really don't like this guy and don't know how to let him down easy. Some suggestions I have had:

"My missionary just left and I am not ready to start dating again."

"I talked to my boyfriend at home and he said he doesn't feel comfortable with me going on a date with another guy...sorry."

Ignore all calls/texts from an unknown number.

Change my phone number.

Actually explain that I don't want to go out with him

Well anyway, I am pretty creeped out. Hopefully I can figure it out. Wish me luck! (The picture is my face when I heard his prayer. Just FYI.)

Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm in love with a boy of the FFA...

Okay not really, but it would be nice!

I am really going to like Collegiate FFA. Its amazing how many things are the same. I found everybody from my home chapter just in different people form. And I am pretty sure all ag teachers have to make the same jokes.

I even get New Horizon's Magazine for joining! This will be a new experience seeing how I never actually got mine in High School.

I think I actually might enjoy being in a club. It should be a fun experience, maybe I will even get out of the apartment every once in awhile.

Also, the president of CFFA here in Logan is from Idaho, so when I said I was from Kuna, she pointed out that we dominate CDE's. (A fact that I didn't want to bring up for fear they would think I was bragging.) Its super nice to go somewhere that at least some of the people know where Kuna is and I don't have to explain how to say it and that is is just outside of meridian.

This is usually how me introducing myself goes: Me: I'm Hayley
Person: I'm such and such, where are you from?
Me: Kuna, Idaho
Person: Ummm...where?
Me: Its right outside of Meridian
Person: Um. Where is Meridian?
Me: Its just outside of Boise.
Person: Ohh! I have no idea where that is.
Me: figures...

This usually ends with me walking out super disappointed.

But at CFFA there were other people that knew where Kuna was! It was awesome! We realized that Nationals is in 2 weeks! So good luck Kuna! Kick some trash!

I can't wait to become better acquainted with all of the people in there! Maybe there they won't judge me for liking plants so much.

Anyway. Remember FFA rocks!! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do you wanna dance?

Hey, hey, hey! Glad you are back!

So I love swing dancing. I realized this on Saturday at the homecoming dance here. I was talking rather loudly about how much I wanted to swing dance. Then some random guy came and asked me to dance. It was awesome. He was a great dancer too! Super fun.

Then! I am taking this swing dancing class on Monday and Wednesday. Its sweet. Except some of the guys in there have limp noodle arms and haven't figured out what leading is. But no worries, they are getting better!

Soo...something super I found out today! I took my midterm in U.S. Institutions and I got a 100%! I think I am liking this college thing. I am doing pretty well.

But I have been pretty sick the past couple of days and that has not been fun with no one to take care of me. But I have DayQuil so I think I will survive even if my voice sounds like I have been smoking for 30 years.

On Tuesday my grandma brought me my quilt made out of my t-shirts from high school! Its pretty legit! It brings back so many memories! I love it! (See picture).

Well anyway, sorry for the randomness of this post. Thanks for reading! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tell Me Why

So I am sitting here waiting for my Planet Earth class to start (Did i mention I got a 84% on the test I thought I failed? I rock. That is all.) Thinking about a few things.

I realized today in my Horticulture class that I stinkin love plants. Any kind of plant. We are propogating plants for a lab in there and I about hyperventilated it was so awesome.

And then, because I was super excited I called up Mr. Edwards from high school to tell him the plants we were propogating and asking him if he wanted the plants once we were finished with them. (He said yes.)

This lovely photo is me at Temple Square with my favorite plant! PRAYER PLANT! Its so amazing. Don't ask me why, its just a cool plant.

I also realized yesterday that I strongly don't like a couple of the girls in room 303 because they keep setting off the fire alarm at random times of the day. Monday it was 6:30 in the morning, and then again last night at 12:06. We were all pretty angry about that last night.

I also realized that I love mashed potatoes. I eat them ALL of the time. I just got these handy dandy packets of Idaho potato flakes. Its pretty awesome.

The potatoes here in Utah are TINY! I have never wanted one of Larry's home grown potatoes more.

I've also been thinking about how much I love meeting new people! Making new friends is so awesome. We learned our family groups for FHE on monday and I am super excited t0 get to meet those people and hang out with them every week.

Our family name is the family of Shiz (thanks Kenz). It is a name in the Book of Mormon, that was her excuse, but the look on Bishop's face when she said that. Classic.

Speaking of Bishop. I love him! He is so awesome! He wore pinstripe to church the other day, anybody who does that is cool in my book. Also he texts us all of the time. Its great!

Anyway. Class is starting. Got to go learn about rocks and such. Fun! :)

Oh and P.S. I am going to my first CFFA meeting today! YAY!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The 7 things I hate about you...

So people reading this blog...I have been super busy this weekend what with homecoming this weekend and also huge tests and assignments due this week. Its been crazy. So I decided to come up with a list (I love lists!) of the things I hate about college. Its a little difficult since I love college so much but here goes.

1. Tests. If I could go through school without these awful things it would be awesome. Today I had a huge test for my class planet earth. I hate this class! Its so difficult and I can't remember all of the names of rocks and such. So I am pretty sure I didn't do my very best on the test. I guess you do what you do. Hmm...I wonder if I could watch Journey to the Center of the Earth to learn stuff for this class....

2. Paying for stuff! I hate this part of it! I will never understand why people want to grow up and move out so bad. I would gladly stay with my parents for a lot longer!

3. Being away from my family. I hate this. Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I couldn't be there with her. It was horrible. We were both bawling when we talked on the phone yesterday. And I am missing my brother's amazing football season. I love supporting my siblings and that's hard to do 5 and a half hours away.

4. No Sleep. I have driven myself to sickness because I don't sleep enough. Me and my roommates were talking the other day about how college time is different than regular people time. In college it is perfectly acceptable to stay up way past midnight. My body is not used to that! I get a tad angry when I don't have enough sleep. Like the one time in Manti when I hit Kelsey with a pillow at 1:00 in the morning because she wouldn't quit talking. Great times.

5. Activities all of the time. I know this is supposed to be a good thing but for me its not. I have issues with saying no to something super fun! So when people invite me to do something, I pretty much have to say yes. Except for today. One of my friends really wanted me to play capture the flag, but I didn't go because I have to study for a midterm on Thursday. See, I'm being responsible.(Plus also I am sick, so there is another good excuse.) haha

6. I can only think of five so this is ruining the title of this post. Disappointing.

7. Umm...again. No ideas for this one. Well this is awkward.

Thanks for reading! I love college, don't get me wrong, but some things I could do without! P.S. The picture is me and my roommates starting a movie at 11:00 p.m. because we have zero concept of time now that we are in college.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Mighty Change of Heart Video

A Mighty Change of Heart

So the other day me and my friend were having a pretty deep conversation over facebook. (Weird, but you actually can have a good conversation doing that.) We were talking about things that we regret from when we were in high school.

I regret being so outspoken, to the point of being rude. I apologize to those I was a jerk to. One of my new favorite quotes that my friend shared with me is:

"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself" ~ Galileo

I learned that no matter how much of a jerk I was they were never going to change, just because I wanted them to. I realized I needed to change myself, and maybe just maybe I could be an example for good.

So I turned to the scriptures for some pondering this morning before I go to church. The apartment is quiet, everyone is asleep except for me because my head is going to explode from a cold; So what do I do? I decide to read my scriptures and blog about it. Awesome. Anyway; I was pondering this quote today and I came across Mosiah 5:7. Which reads:

"...for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and daughters."

Reading that made me want to be better and be born of him! What an amazing feeling. I have a testimony of the gospel of Christ. I know he lives and he loves me.

My next post is a song that is a great addition to this blog post. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just Getting Started

Day two of the blog experiment and I was just too excited not to post anything! This week has been HOMECOMING WEEK at the lovely Utah State University. (The best school...like ever) It has been super fun! Its interesting the contrast between high school and college. Here is another list. There are probably going to be a lot of lists on this blog:

Things that are different between college and high school:

1. School Pride: Everyone here at USU loves that they are here! They are always super duper excited to do the "milking the cow cheer" as my dad calls it. Otherwise known as the Scotsman. Its pretty epic not going to lie. See the video on the bottom for a little demonstration. Hopefully you can see the awesomeness.

2. Freedom: Duh, this one is a given, but I never realized how much it is true. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Nobody is going to care if I stay up until 2 a.m. They aren't going to tell me to go to bed. Its also weird to not have someone telling you to go to class. Nobody cares if you skip. (I can't bring myself to do it. I still have fears they are going to call my parents or something.)

3. Activities: College events are so much better! Things are bigger, people are more outgoing and things just get crazy. Take this years paint dance. Well it was super duper awesome. Basically you dance your little heart out while people spray you with paint from water blasters. Really its just epic. Except everybody is like 7 feet tall here so I get a little lost.

4. More people: You don't have to see the people you don't want to (unless they are your roommates and that is super sad if you don't like them. awkward.). Its brilliant. No being cooped up in a high school with that one person you did something to in like 3rd grade.

5. Less classes: Yep. No more staying at school from 7-4. Its so awesome to have two or three classes in a day and then be done. Homework time! haha yeah....that's what I do. Actually it is. I haven't quite got my social life to be awesome yet. Hense the blog starting on a friday night.

6. Food: Okay this one might go the opposite direction. In high school you just go to the fridge. It is much different here. You actually have to plan and go grocery shopping or you will starve. Good thing I love to cook!

7. Roommates: At least mine. They are fab. I hate going anywhere alone, so to have a room of 5 girls willing to do stuff with me its pretty great. And its good because we are all friends here in our apartment.

Well anyway. Here you are another blog post. Thanks for reading. I have a lot of fun writing them so hopefully maybe you laugh a little.

Friday, September 23, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

We'll see how long this blog lasts, I am not good at the whole remembering thing. So I have been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now but it has never happened. I just got some inspiration though and thought "Self, Why not?" So here we are. Shall we just do a little 'About Me' Session?

These are a few of my favorite things:

1. Facebook Stalking: Sorry if you are creeped out by this, but what else is a girl supposed to do on a friday night in her apartment?

2. Baking, cooking, chefing, eating, really anything to do with food. My stomach loves food, and I just love making all sorts of fun things. Like almost everyday I have mashed potatoes and cheese for lunch. Delish! Also along these lines...

3. Food Network. Have you ever watched it? Because it is like the thrill of my life, but no TV in my apartment means watching it on my bed from the computer, which isn't quite as fulfilling because I have seen every episode available online. Too bad...

4. Reading. I love the written word. Basically I lose myself in a story-and then I have to come back to the real world. Disappointing really. Too bad everyone can't be a wizard, or a demigod, or part of a world full of magical creatures.

5. Disney movies. Any of them just really make me happy. I love to pretend to be Cinderella and sing songs. (Even though I can't sing) And also I wish I could be as happy and carefree as Rapunzel. She has an innocence that is appealing to me.

6. Long blog posts telling the world my secrets. (Though the only people that read this will be my family...maybe. and Whitney McLelland.

7. College. I stinkin love college. I love the freedom and the simple joys of doing whatever whenever. Like the time when me and my roommates went to the store at 11:30 in the p.m. to get a fish. Stuff like that just makes me happy.

Alright, Ta Ta for now. Thanks for reading. :)