Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tell Me Why

So I am sitting here waiting for my Planet Earth class to start (Did i mention I got a 84% on the test I thought I failed? I rock. That is all.) Thinking about a few things.

I realized today in my Horticulture class that I stinkin love plants. Any kind of plant. We are propogating plants for a lab in there and I about hyperventilated it was so awesome.

And then, because I was super excited I called up Mr. Edwards from high school to tell him the plants we were propogating and asking him if he wanted the plants once we were finished with them. (He said yes.)

This lovely photo is me at Temple Square with my favorite plant! PRAYER PLANT! Its so amazing. Don't ask me why, its just a cool plant.

I also realized yesterday that I strongly don't like a couple of the girls in room 303 because they keep setting off the fire alarm at random times of the day. Monday it was 6:30 in the morning, and then again last night at 12:06. We were all pretty angry about that last night.

I also realized that I love mashed potatoes. I eat them ALL of the time. I just got these handy dandy packets of Idaho potato flakes. Its pretty awesome.

The potatoes here in Utah are TINY! I have never wanted one of Larry's home grown potatoes more.

I've also been thinking about how much I love meeting new people! Making new friends is so awesome. We learned our family groups for FHE on monday and I am super excited t0 get to meet those people and hang out with them every week.

Our family name is the family of Shiz (thanks Kenz). It is a name in the Book of Mormon, that was her excuse, but the look on Bishop's face when she said that. Classic.

Speaking of Bishop. I love him! He is so awesome! He wore pinstripe to church the other day, anybody who does that is cool in my book. Also he texts us all of the time. Its great!

Anyway. Class is starting. Got to go learn about rocks and such. Fun! :)

Oh and P.S. I am going to my first CFFA meeting today! YAY!!!


  1. Will you start taking my Space Exploration tests too then? There is one tomorrow. Thanks ;)

  2. A class about rocks? That'd be my favorite!
