Sunday, January 29, 2012

Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice

It's like NBD or anything but one of my heroes came to Utah State and spoke to us. is a big deal. It's basically the best thing ever.
Here we are waiting for Elder Holland to walk in. Best day ever.

Jeffrey R. Holland came to Logan today and gave an amazing talk.

I love that man so much. I literally started crying when he said his first word. Even though it was a joke.

This guy is so funny. He was blowing kisses, cracking jokes the whole time.

I truly can tell you that my testimony grew today. His example and spirit just permeated the room from the first moment he walked in.

My favorite quote of his is:

"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse"

I am a self-proclaimed 'whiner' and every time I catch myself having a bad attitude I think of this quote and I try to break myself out of the bad mood.

He is a great example and I am blessed to have been able to hear him speak.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I did it!

Well. I did it. 

Remember how in that last post I said something about a cute boy in class? Well I wasn't just making stuff up. There actually is a boy. 

And I did it. I talked to him today! 

And he gave a presentation so I could stare at him without it being creepy...

Okay. It was still a little creepy.

But I talked to him!! And I'm pretty sure he even knows my name now.

Things are looking up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


You know that awkward moment when you realize that you are tiptoeing around a person because you don't want to upset them or do something that will make them angry and never talk to you again?

I feel like that all of the time right now.

I'm trying to be open and make new friends (because I need new friends.), but it is just so hard.

I realized I don't really like to let people in.

What if they hurt me? What if one day they decide they don't actually like me anymore and it was all just a lie?

I have insecurity issues. Its kind of a new thing.

I want to be that outgoing person who goes up to the cute guy in class and says "Hey! Want to study together sometime?"

But you know what. I am NOT that person. I am good at pretending though.

Well. That was awkward for everyone reading about my insecurity issues.

Do you know what else is awkward?

When people walk by you talking and  you think they are talking to you, but then you realize they have headphones in and you deduce they are on the phone. But it is still awkward because when you talk with headphones that have a microphone you just look like you are talking to yourself. And that is awkward for everyone.

Also when you say hello to someone (e.g. on the bus, in a class, walking by them on campus) and they totally ignore you. So then you look like some freak who is pretending to have friends by waving to random people.

Or! When you are on the bus and you end up having to stand up and get squished between two people you do NOT know. This happened to me today. And the girl behind me kept bumping into me trying to get me to scoot up, but there was absolutely no room. I couldn't breathe. I was just waiting for that ride to be over.

Hey! Thanks for reading. You are AWESOME!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


First day of classes. Awkward. 

Looking around hoping (praying, crossing fingers, etc.) that you know someone and don't look like a loner sitting by yourself. 

If you are lucky (like I happened to be this semester. YES!) and you find someone that you know, you hope they don't know anyone else in the class, because that would be weird. Trying to fight for the attention of the one person you know in the class.

Sitting in class the first day going through the syllabus (which is basically the same thing in every class) gauging how much homework you are going to have to do for the class. 

Then you realize the teacher is going to start teaching right off and you don't have your book. Awkward. 

OR: (This is even worse than sitting in class by yourself.) 

Going to the wrong class. 

I haven't done this (yet) but my friend told me that he went to the wrong class and had to stand up in the middle of it and just walk out. Talk about awkward. 

So there you go. My awkward first day of class blog post. Sorry its not the best...I just wasn't feeling it. But I promised. And I don't break promises. 

Have a lovely day.

P.S. I got my JB posters stolen today. I'm going to cry myself to sleep.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

 Winston Cherrybottom's life in pictures:
Setting Winston up in his tank

My large arm putting Winston in the tank

Swimming along happily...until
 Winston! McKenz! He hasn't moved in an hour...I think he's dead. And so he was...
Taking poor Winston out of the tank

Overwhelming emotions while taking Winston to his final resting place

There he goes...may he rest in peace.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I'll be missing you

I have been away from school for 22 days. And I miss it.

The odd part is, I actually kind of miss the learning part. I hate being idle and doing the same things everyday.

I miss my friends as well. A couple in particular. The silence over this break has been killer. I can't wait to get back and see everyone and just be with my friends again.

I want to sleep in a bed. Yes, even those odd, lumpy school mattresses. Anything is better than sleeping on the couch.

Even though I don't really want new roommates, I am excited to meet them. We have 2 new ones coming to live with ought to be interesting.

But I have to say it or else I will get in trouble...

I will miss my family! I always do.

Its kind of a weird feeling to always be missing someone or something.

I wish everybody that I wanted to be with could be in the same place.

Then I wouldn't have to worry about communication barriers that come from being separated.

I wouldn't have to worry about offending anyone when I say I miss somebody else.

You know...another thing that would solve all of my problems is if I was a witch and could just apparate everywhere. Now that would be perfect. I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming.

Thanks for reading! :) Next post I'll be in LOGAN again!!!

P.S. Speaking of dreams...I have the oddest ones. If anyone would care to know about them comment or something. See ya!