Friday, January 16, 2015


I discovered tonight that I have a huge pet peeve.

And that is telling people that they shouldn't do something because they have never done it before.

College elections are supposed to be fun and exciting and about 


as a whole. 

Not about one group of people that knows each other and has worked together for years.

All year round student leaders talk about how they are going to "reach out to the student body" and they are going to listen to everyone's ideas.

This also includes encouraging people to try for these positions because they have good ideas.

Just because they aren't involved in the same things as you doesn't mean they aren't involved or they aren't qualified. 

Leadership isn't just about what you are capable of doing, but also what you are capable of bringing out in other people.

I think that we all could try to be a little more tolerant because that is what is going to make this school a better place. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Try a Little Harder

It's not a resolution until you write them down.

Here goes nothing. 

Last year I feel like I had this expectation to be the boring friend.

Mostly because I was working, but also because I just didn't feel like it. 

I have decided that I don't want that anymore. 

I want to be fun and exciting. The way I was when I first started school.


1. I want to be spontaneous.

2. I want to be more genuine with people that I meet.

3. I am going to take more time to spend with the people that I really like, instead of spending time with myself.

4. Be better.

As the beloved prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said "Try a little harder, to be a little better"