Thursday, October 9, 2014

But first, let me take a selfie

so•cial me•di•a
1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

That is the Google definition of Social Media.

I think there is another definition: I think Social Media is a way for people to share only the VERY best parts of themselves.

The whole point of Instagram is to have people "like" or "favorite" the things that we are doing or have done.

The whole point of Twitter is to share our thoughts and have people validate them. 

And Facebook combines both of them.

Here's the thing though. This is not inherently bad. 

It is when you rely on those likes or favorites or shares or retweets for all of our self confidence.

The hard part is we all tell ourselves that it doesn't matter what other people think about us but the little tiny part of our heart that we can't lie to knows the truth: WE CARE. Otherwise we wouldn't take the time to share it. 

I'm speaking from personal experience here. The other day I shared a photo on Instagram and it has 90 likes. So close to 100. I don't know why I have this feeling that as soon as I hit 100 likes my whole life will suddenly change. 

No one is going to release balloons into the sky congratulating you on your accomplishment of gaining the haphazard "double tap" of 100 people on a social media site. 

One of the reasons that i know that these likes are haphazard comes from a social experiment that one of my great friends conducted a couple weeks ago. 

He posted a picture on Instagram of a half loaded post. So, if you weren't paying attention you would just think that the picture was taking forever to load. Example: 

Notice. This picture still has 65 likes. 65. This means 65 people didn't even see the picture before they hit the like button. I know this isn't everyone but it is still alarming.

This is what people base their entire self worth on. 

Remember: Social Media compares the best of someone else with the worst of ourselves.

I guess my whole point with this entire post is a reminder to myself that I am more than my social media accounts. 

and so are you.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I will.

I will not have friends.

I will never go on dates.

I will jump from school to meeting to work.

I will do my homework.

I will not see my roommates.

I will never eat.

I will try to be happy.

I will never have time.

I will never have time.

I will never have time.

I will struggle.

 but I will try.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Guide Me to Thee

Can we just talk about the Spirit for a second. 

Listen. I have not been doing everything that I should be doing all of the time. 
I forget to read the Book of Mormon. 
I forget to pray.
I think about skipping church. Every Sunday.
I am a very judgmental person.

And yet.

The other day I was praying in my heart for something. Something small that I wanted. I didn't even need it. and it fell into my lap.

This experience taught me something about Heavenly Father.

He doesn't mind.

Not "he doesn't care" because he always cares.

He doesn't mind waiting. Waiting for us to do the right thing.

Waiting for me to swallow my pride and admit I need Him.

He doesn't mind. Nor will He ever mind. 

He will look down at us and say "I'm watching out for you still. Please be better?"

And I will continually fall to my knees and say "I'm sorry."

I want to be better.

and He will always let me.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hello Alone.

I'm getting to that point in my life where my news feed is full of

Wedding announcements.

Baby Announcements.

Mission Homecomings.

And honestly it's incredible that such great things are happening to my friends.

But with every "congratulations",

with every "girl or boy?"

with every "Welcome home!"

I am no closer to my


girl or boy.

or even welcome home.

and i want to be.

21 is young.

but it is also time. time for me to stop being on my own.

I've been thinking too much lately.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rocky Mountain High

Enough about the boring part of my life.

I guess it's about time I filled you in on my INCREDIBLE job.

This last week I had an opportunity to spend a week with a great group of students in Bear Lake.

We went rock climbing.

We went hiking. (I almost died.)

We went to the beach. (I got to try paddleboarding.)

We went on a nature hike.

We went horseback riding. (It reminded me of home.)

We played games.

We had campfires.

We did dances.

And mostly we spent time getting to know one another.

I love those students with my whole heart.

Out of Control

Sometimes things happen and you're like "YES! THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I'VE PICTURED IT IN MY HEAD 1,000 TIMES"

And then other times things happen and you're like "This isn't how I pictured it ever in all of my wildest imaginings."

And that's okay.

I keep thinking that I can control every situation if I just think about it hard enough.

That is not the case.

People have thoughts and brains of their own. I forget that.

Now, my first inclination is to over-react.

Which is exactly what I did today.

But less so than the other brain in this party.

It is a good thing that I have incredible friends.

They remind me that this isn't the end of the world.

And that people change.

And that I've changed.

And that life can't be predicted. Ever.

Who knows what will happen in the near future.

I certainly don't.

Good thing Heavenly Father does.

And it's a good thing that I'm not in charge.

The only thing I can do right now is pray.

And remember that I am small. 

And that Heavenly Father's plan for me isn't anything like my plan for me.

Monday, June 30, 2014


It's insane how fast two years can go by.

It's insane how different a person can be after two years. 

It's insane how much a person can like someone after just communicating via email and letter for two years. 

It's insane to keep holding on to something. 

It's insane because I've thought of every situation that could possibly happen.

It's insane because I keep over-analyzing every single thing that has happened for the past two years.

It's insane to keep imagining life with him when it very well could happen without him.

It's insane how much I still care about what he thinks of me.

It's insane how I turn into my high school self every time I think about spending time with him. (What if he doesn't like me, what if, what if, what if.)

It's insane how much I want to hug him.

It's insane. yes.

But I think I'm a little insane.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

(I'm coming home to you) Every Night

I never thought this day would come.

Okay just kidding. That's melodramatic.

But I'm down to less than 3 months.

Remember this post?

Well we are almost through these 2 years of service he has dedicated to the Lord.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled.

But I am worried.

What if he comes home and doesn't like me.

At the end of that post I am talk about maybe being available.

Well. I'm available.

And whenever I talk to him I remember how much I like him and what a good person he is.

I just can't wait to hug him.

80 days.

This will fly by.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

See you again

Here it is.

Another ending post.

The end of another semester here at Utah State University.

Another end of another school year.

Just one left.

What did I do with this one?

Let me show you.
I went bowling

Spent time with my best friends

Road tripped for work

Went to basketball games

Had a Valentine's day party

Valentine's day dinner with the girls

Spent time in the President's box

Visited this cute family

Remembered I loved my major

Drove to California

The beach.


The temple.



Did math homework.

And mostly just missed my family.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Tell me why?

I just want to know why certain people are in my life. 

That's all I ask. 


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Learn to Love Yourself

I am slowly learning things about myself.

Like the fact that if you are important to me I will drop whatever I am doing to do anything for you.

Whatever you need.



Does this make me vulnerable? Yes. Probably more than I would like to admit to anyone.

This also makes me susceptible to feeling left out, lonely, or hurt when I don't feel that same loyalty.

Sometimes this also translates into me acting funny around a certain group of people. And by funny I mean unable to be myself. I'm a fun, outgoing, and mostly comfortable around people.

But if I feel as if my friendship with a person is being threatened I shut down. Almost completely.

I'm working on it. And I hope I can find someone that makes me feel like I can call them day or night with any problem and they will be there for me.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let's Start the New Year Right.

This year has definitely been one of the strangest for me.

It started with no roommate, living alone and trying to figure out who I was.

I started the A-Team with little knowledge of what I was getting myself into.

I remembered old friends, and I made some dang good new ones.

I ate waffles. Lots and lots of waffles.

I made phone calls.

I blew up balloons.

I spent time with Seth, Haley, Kelsey, Ashley and Sarah.

I became an aunt.

I wore a blue polo for most of the summer.

I ate.

I went to weddings.

I stuffed envelopes.

I played outside.

I played inside.

I had the 2nd best summer of my life so far. (Sorry 2013, 2012 has you beat.)

I learned about myself and what I can bring to my job.

I spent a lot of time with 17 and 18 year olds.

I became a fashion designer. Just give me a puzzle and a hot glue gun.

I roller skated.

I had a boyfriend.

I didn't have a boyfriend anymore.

I tried to convince my sister that USU was the place for her. No luck. Duke here she comes. (hopefully)

I went on road trips. Many road trips.

I wrote emails. Every week.

I became myself.

And I like who I am. Even though I have more growing to do. Thanks 2013. You taught me a lot.