Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let's Start the New Year Right.

This year has definitely been one of the strangest for me.

It started with no roommate, living alone and trying to figure out who I was.

I started the A-Team with little knowledge of what I was getting myself into.

I remembered old friends, and I made some dang good new ones.

I ate waffles. Lots and lots of waffles.

I made phone calls.

I blew up balloons.

I spent time with Seth, Haley, Kelsey, Ashley and Sarah.

I became an aunt.

I wore a blue polo for most of the summer.

I ate.

I went to weddings.

I stuffed envelopes.

I played outside.

I played inside.

I had the 2nd best summer of my life so far. (Sorry 2013, 2012 has you beat.)

I learned about myself and what I can bring to my job.

I spent a lot of time with 17 and 18 year olds.

I became a fashion designer. Just give me a puzzle and a hot glue gun.

I roller skated.

I had a boyfriend.

I didn't have a boyfriend anymore.

I tried to convince my sister that USU was the place for her. No luck. Duke here she comes. (hopefully)

I went on road trips. Many road trips.

I wrote emails. Every week.

I became myself.

And I like who I am. Even though I have more growing to do. Thanks 2013. You taught me a lot.

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