Thursday, February 27, 2014

Learn to Love Yourself

I am slowly learning things about myself.

Like the fact that if you are important to me I will drop whatever I am doing to do anything for you.

Whatever you need.



Does this make me vulnerable? Yes. Probably more than I would like to admit to anyone.

This also makes me susceptible to feeling left out, lonely, or hurt when I don't feel that same loyalty.

Sometimes this also translates into me acting funny around a certain group of people. And by funny I mean unable to be myself. I'm a fun, outgoing, and mostly comfortable around people.

But if I feel as if my friendship with a person is being threatened I shut down. Almost completely.

I'm working on it. And I hope I can find someone that makes me feel like I can call them day or night with any problem and they will be there for me.

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