Sunday, January 29, 2012

Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice

It's like NBD or anything but one of my heroes came to Utah State and spoke to us. is a big deal. It's basically the best thing ever.
Here we are waiting for Elder Holland to walk in. Best day ever.

Jeffrey R. Holland came to Logan today and gave an amazing talk.

I love that man so much. I literally started crying when he said his first word. Even though it was a joke.

This guy is so funny. He was blowing kisses, cracking jokes the whole time.

I truly can tell you that my testimony grew today. His example and spirit just permeated the room from the first moment he walked in.

My favorite quote of his is:

"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse"

I am a self-proclaimed 'whiner' and every time I catch myself having a bad attitude I think of this quote and I try to break myself out of the bad mood.

He is a great example and I am blessed to have been able to hear him speak.

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