So people reading this blog...I have been super busy this weekend what with homecoming this weekend and also huge tests and assignments due this week. Its been crazy. So I decided to come up with a list (I love lists!) of the things I hate about college. Its a little difficult since I love college so much but here goes.
1. Tests. If I could go through school without these awful things it would be awesome. Today I had a huge test for my class planet earth. I hate this class! Its so difficult and I can't remember all of the names of rocks and such. So I am pretty sure I didn't do my very best on the test. I guess you do what you do. Hmm...I wonder if I could watch Journey to the Center of the Earth to learn stuff for this class....
2. Paying for stuff! I hate this part of it! I will never understand why people want to grow up and move out so bad. I would gladly stay with my parents for a lot longer!
3. Being away from my family. I hate this. Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I couldn't be there with her. It was horrible. We were both bawling when we talked on the phone yesterday. And I am missing my brother's amazing football season. I love supporting my siblings and that's hard to do 5 and a half hours away.
4. No Sleep. I have driven myself to sickness because I don't sleep enough. Me and my roommates were talking the other day about how college time is different than regular people time. In college it is perfectly acceptable to stay up way past midnight. My body is not used to that! I get a tad angry when I don't have enough sleep. Like the one time in Manti when I hit Kelsey with a pillow at 1:00 in the morning because she wouldn't quit talking. Great times.
5. Activities all of the time. I know this is supposed to be a good thing but for me its not. I have issues with saying no to something super fun! So when people invite me to do something, I pretty much have to say yes. Except for today. One of my friends really wanted me to play capture the flag, but I didn't go because I have to study for a midterm on Thursday. See, I'm being responsible.(Plus also I am sick, so there is another good excuse.) haha
6. I can only think of five so this is ruining the title of this post. Disappointing.
7. Umm...again. No ideas for this one. Well this is awkward.
Thanks for reading! I love college, don't get me wrong, but some things I could do without! P.S. The picture is me and my roommates starting a movie at 11:00 p.m. because we have zero concept of time now that we are in college.
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