Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just Getting Started

Day two of the blog experiment and I was just too excited not to post anything! This week has been HOMECOMING WEEK at the lovely Utah State University. (The best ever) It has been super fun! Its interesting the contrast between high school and college. Here is another list. There are probably going to be a lot of lists on this blog:

Things that are different between college and high school:

1. School Pride: Everyone here at USU loves that they are here! They are always super duper excited to do the "milking the cow cheer" as my dad calls it. Otherwise known as the Scotsman. Its pretty epic not going to lie. See the video on the bottom for a little demonstration. Hopefully you can see the awesomeness.

2. Freedom: Duh, this one is a given, but I never realized how much it is true. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. Nobody is going to care if I stay up until 2 a.m. They aren't going to tell me to go to bed. Its also weird to not have someone telling you to go to class. Nobody cares if you skip. (I can't bring myself to do it. I still have fears they are going to call my parents or something.)

3. Activities: College events are so much better! Things are bigger, people are more outgoing and things just get crazy. Take this years paint dance. Well it was super duper awesome. Basically you dance your little heart out while people spray you with paint from water blasters. Really its just epic. Except everybody is like 7 feet tall here so I get a little lost.

4. More people: You don't have to see the people you don't want to (unless they are your roommates and that is super sad if you don't like them. awkward.). Its brilliant. No being cooped up in a high school with that one person you did something to in like 3rd grade.

5. Less classes: Yep. No more staying at school from 7-4. Its so awesome to have two or three classes in a day and then be done. Homework time! haha yeah....that's what I do. Actually it is. I haven't quite got my social life to be awesome yet. Hense the blog starting on a friday night.

6. Food: Okay this one might go the opposite direction. In high school you just go to the fridge. It is much different here. You actually have to plan and go grocery shopping or you will starve. Good thing I love to cook!

7. Roommates: At least mine. They are fab. I hate going anywhere alone, so to have a room of 5 girls willing to do stuff with me its pretty great. And its good because we are all friends here in our apartment.

Well anyway. Here you are another blog post. Thanks for reading. I have a lot of fun writing them so hopefully maybe you laugh a little.

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