Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hit the road Jack

Hey! Its been awhile! So I took a road trip this weekend to the lovely city of Provo. It was super fun!! I needed some time with old friends, and it was fun making new ones! So let's just do a little run-down shall we?

Friday, October 14, 2011.
Math was cancelled. Life complete
Started Road trip around 4:00 in the afternoon.
Made it to Provo, we screamed, we laughed, we cried. Oh yeah. The girls were back together again!
Dance time with the boys! Had a great time getting together with some fantastic old friends. And I pretty much love staying up late and talking, then fitting 8 people into a car that should NOT have 8 people in it...
Staying up till 3 in the morning catching up and contemplating lives.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wake up earlyish. Yes. Then regret it because of a pounding headache as a result of late night chats.
Shopping! Yay! Burlington coat factory. Trying on hideous clothing. Working said hideous clothing. Yeah. That's us.
Get real Idaho potatoes for some DELISH homemade french fries! Its just like being at home! Also we had Dino Chicken nuggets. That's how cool we are.
Swim for 7 1/2 minutes. Sit in the Hot tub for around 7 1/2 minutes, Nap on the chairs by the pool for around 45 minutes.
Eat Delicious pulled pork and rice all wrapped up in a tortilla. (Homemade Cafe Rio. Not as good as homemade Costa Vida but what are you going to do?)
Talk, sit around, watch some Storage Wars, then decide to play Imaginiff. Guess who won? ME! Thats who! Awww YEAH!!
10:30 p.m. Bored. So what do we decide to do? Go to a park of course! Swing sets, Jungle Gyms, Teeter Totters, Hopscotch, Giant Rocks. Everything a girl could ask for!
Laying down on wet grass looking up at the stars, but all we could see was clouds. Then deciding to look for shapes in the clouds. Nothing like seeing a T-Rex with a chicken body, lobster claws and the feet of a duck in a cloud and have everyone there know what you are looking at!
Staying up listening to a friend serenade us on the porch because we were at BYU and boys aren't allowed in girl's apartment's after midnight.
Go to bed late...AGAIN! We will never learn.

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sleeping on the smallest couch I've ever seen.
Get up and procrastinate getting ready for church for as long as I can. Getting ready and looking HOT! If I do say so myself.
Go to church. It was weird in a school building and not in a church building. But you know, it was church so it was AWESOME!
Go back to her apartment, load up the car and we are off. BUT not to Logan. To South Jordan to visit uncles and aunts and cousins! And I found their house all by myself. Only a little help from a GPS. (It was taking me to the Jordan Landing shopping center because I knew I could find my way from there.)
Spend much needed time with my little shadows. We played Princess beauty makeover! Lets just say I looked beautiful!
Drove back to Logan. A beautiful end to a beautiful weekend!

Have a happy day! Also I get to go home in 4 days.

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