Thursday, October 6, 2011

Somebody's Watching Me...

Yo! What is up? Nothing much here...Its been pretty boring around my apartment lately. Except I do have an interesting story to tell you all...

I was in institute minding my own business enjoying the lesson. (It was on Joseph F. Smith if you wanted to know.) and this guy gets up to say the prayer. I don't know this guy--not his name, nothing about him. Keep this in mind. It's important. Back to the story.--he says the normal prayer, but then gets into all of this weird stuff. Like asking to be forgiven for telling white lies, stuff that really should be in a personal prayer.

Then these words come out of his mouth.

"Please bless that Hayley will say yes when I ask her out after class"

You can imagine how red my face gets at this point. I am not flattered, I am creeped out. What kind of guy prays about a girl in front of an entire institute class?

I am kind of worried about going to Institute now to be completely honest. I really don't like this guy and don't know how to let him down easy. Some suggestions I have had:

"My missionary just left and I am not ready to start dating again."

"I talked to my boyfriend at home and he said he doesn't feel comfortable with me going on a date with another guy...sorry."

Ignore all calls/texts from an unknown number.

Change my phone number.

Actually explain that I don't want to go out with him

Well anyway, I am pretty creeped out. Hopefully I can figure it out. Wish me luck! (The picture is my face when I heard his prayer. Just FYI.)

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahaha!!!! You are so funny! Uh hum... I mean, sorry that happened. :)
