Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
I love this nursery rhyme. So cute! And while I was in Provo I had a little experience with an egg that made me think of this nursery rhyme.
I got egged.
Yes, you read that right. Egged. I was just strollin down the street in Provo and seemingly out of nowhere something wet was all over me. I really thought it was a rock or maybe a water balloon. It was disgusting. And it got stuff all over me. It hurt pretty bad. Actually it hurt a lot. In fact its still hurting a tad.
I had a huge welt all weekend and the shell cut my neck.
Moral of the story is:
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