Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Its the simple things in life that really make life worth living. Some simple things that make my entire day:

1. Taking naps. Have you ever just went to sleep, then woke up a couple hours later feeling fantastic? That's what happened to me today. It felt divine.

2. Getting a text from that certain someone. You're heart goes flip flop and your stomach is in knots over a text that could simply say "Hello."

3. Seeing my best friends everyday. You guys know who you are. Or you should....that would be awkward.

4. Talking to my family. I love them. Their support makes me want to do great things in my life.

5. Getting a good grade on an assignment. That's always a great part of the day. *Me checking blackboard* "hmm. I wonder if my teacher has graded that assignment? Yes! 100%. Day made."

6. Reading a fantastic book. I love reading. Any kind of book I can get my hands on. I love getting lost in the story, but I think i have mentioned that before.

7. Making a delicious dinner that consists of funeral potatoes, and 3 chocolate chip cookies. Now that is what I call healthy eating.

8. Making new friends. Simply joyous. I love to see how many people I can meet in a day. Usually its the person sitting next to me on the bus.

9. Discovering a new website that makes me laugh. See http://www.pajamacity.com/?gclid=CJP84JvQhawCFYxU7AodYRSI9Q. Basically the coolest thing ever. I'm thinking me and Kenz need to get us some of these!

10. Okay, this one is totally dorky but what can I say. Getting on facebook and having like 5 notifications. I know I shouldn't judge my worth based on my facebook statuses but that's where society has gone and I went with it.

Anyway, Thanks for reading. Have a fantastic day!

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