Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is Halloween

So. Yesterday was Halloween. Guess what I dressed up as...

You guessed it. NOTHING! I know I'm super boring, but it's not like I was doing anything that required a costume.

Actually, me and my roommate went to Walmart to get a costume. This is what I was going to be: A Star Wars fan. (Not really dressing up but whatever.) I bought a T-Shirt and everything. But then we went over to see how much lightsabers were. They were like $10.00. Too much for me! So I was boring and didn't have a costume.

BUT! I actually went to a haunted house. (No matter how cheesy a haunted house it was, it still counts) Anyway. I was really scared. I hate being scared. I refuse to watch scary movies.

And on last Saturday Evening, October 29, 2011, when everybody and their dog went to the HOWL, me and my friends stayed in and watched "Lie to Me" its pretty much our new favorite show. We watched 4 episodes that night. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much by not going to the HOWL. (I.E. Sketchy dancing, sketchy costumes, plus questionable sobriety...I know its a dry campus but that doesn't mean people don't sneak stuff in.)

After the haunted house we watched the Mummy. Good movie, although a lot of people die in it! Sad. :(

So now its after Halloween and I can stop worrying about seeing scary things left and right.

On a different note: I'm going to a dance on Friday! I am super duper excited!

On yet another note. Remember that one guy, I blogged about him awhile back. (If you don't remember, or have never read it, click here.) Well anyway, I finally told him today that I didn't think it was going to work to go on a date with him.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for details of the super fun dance!


  1. You shattered his belief that God answers prayers. How do you sleep at night?

  2. I'm sorry Mom, I just wouldn't feel comfortable going on a date with this guy. I'll have to repent.
