You know that awkward moment when you realize that you are tiptoeing around a person because you don't want to upset them or do something that will make them angry and never talk to you again?
I feel like that all of the time right now.
I'm trying to be open and make new friends (because I need new friends.), but it is just so hard.
I realized I don't really like to let people in.
What if they hurt me? What if one day they decide they don't actually like me anymore and it was all just a lie?
I have insecurity issues. Its kind of a new thing.
I want to be that outgoing person who goes up to the cute guy in class and says "Hey! Want to study together sometime?"
But you know what. I am NOT that person. I am good at pretending though.
Well. That was awkward for everyone reading about my insecurity issues.
Do you know what else is awkward?
When people walk by you talking and you think they are talking to you, but then you realize they have headphones in and you deduce they are on the phone. But it is still awkward because when you talk with headphones that have a microphone you just look like you are talking to yourself. And that is awkward for everyone.
Also when you say hello to someone (e.g. on the bus, in a class, walking by them on campus) and they totally ignore you. So then you look like some freak who is pretending to have friends by waving to random people.
Or! When you are on the bus and you end up having to stand up and get squished between two people you do NOT know. This happened to me today. And the girl behind me kept bumping into me trying to get me to scoot up, but there was absolutely no room. I couldn't breathe. I was just waiting for that ride to be over.
Hey! Thanks for reading. You are AWESOME!