Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's the Weekend!

Another week of my College career has come and gone.

But the weekend it what I really want to post about. (Because week days are boring and just filled with school.)

This weekend was Senior Night for the Men's Basketball team. I went with a friend, and met some of his friends while we were there.

They were awesome! We went and ate some pizza and talked, then went to one of their apartment's and talked some more.

Then I realized it was nearing the wee hours of the morning. (It was about 1:30. Oops :/ ) So we walked to my friend's apartment to get his keys so he could take me home. (What a guy.)

Saturday rolls around and I have a fun filled day planned! :) haha not really. But it turns out that way!

Relief Society Activities = food and crafts. Always.

Then me and Kenz decide to have a life and go out to lunch and watch a movie with her BFF from high school. (did I just use BFF? Yes I guess I did...)

We saw The Muppets. Brilliant Movie. (Well, the best part of the whole movie was when we saw Jim from The Office. Yes, I do know his real name is John. I just like calling him Jim. Let's just say me and Kenz about fainted when we saw him on the screen.)

Then Kenz decides to leave me and go hang out with her friends (But its alright. I'll get over it eventually.)

So I decide to contact some of my friends. (They just happen to be the same ones that I was spending time with on Friday night.)

I go over to his apartment to watch the Dunk contest. (That was cool.) Then we get bored so we decide to find something awesome to do in the TSC. Too bad we got kicked out as soon as we step foot in there. So what do we do? Go watch TV and hang out.

Fun. Because it's always better to be boring with other people than be boring by yourself! :)


  1. I love Jim. (big, dramatic, in-love sigh) ;)

    1. Why is he so gosh darn good looking?

    2. Well....his parents must've been two great looking people....and Heavenly I need to finish it? ;) haha

  2. How was the Muppets???? I wanna see that! Probably cuz Amy Adams is in it. haha

  3. So I was just going through a few of your blog posts so that I could creep on your life. The last sentence in this one? STORY OF MY LIFE:)

    ...and i don't want to take the time to figure this thing out while my internet sucks... so I will be unknown for now:)


    1. I love you! :) I know right! I just realized that I am a boring person. But usually I have other people to be boring with, so it makes it okay! haha :)

      I miss you! We should Skype soon. Yes?
