Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hospital Beds

Well Everybody, here is my proof that I was actually in the hospital.

I had a Kidney Stone.

I never want one again.

Here is the story.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Hayley. (that's me.)

It was a Friday morning and she had a terrible pain in her back. She was tough though and after crying a little bit the pain went away.

She thought she was in the clear.

She went to a party that night, and then she went on a date on Saturday night. (Also on that date she ate an entire half-gallon of ice cream with her date in under 25 minutes. It was impressive.)

Sunday morning came and she got up to go to one of her best friend's mission farewells. She was really looking forward to it. Her back started to hurt while she was getting ready. That didn't stop her though. She's tough. She went to the farewell and about halfway through his talk she got sick.

But! She waited until he was finished speaking to run out of the church.

After losing her breakfast on the side of the road, she finally made it home.

She thought she could make it until her parents got home from church to go the hospital but she was weaker than she thought.

Her mom got home and took her to the hospital. And there was a million people waiting.

But did you know that nurses try to get you a bed really fast if you puke in the waiting room? Neither did she. But she found it out.

She is laying and bawling in the room of the hospital. The only thing that she can say is "Ow, it hurts," and, "Can I please get some medicine"

They probably thought she was a drug addict.

She got some medicine, passed the kidney stone, and feels much better!


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