Thursday, September 13, 2012


What an exciting week it has been!

My classes are going AMAZING!

Have I ever mentioned before I love plants? Okay, I know I have but I'm doing it again. Get over it.

For one of my classes we get to go outside on campus and just look at all of the plants. For over an hour. With a teacher that knows everything there is to know about plants.

It's pretty much a dream.

I'm learning Latin for that class. Learning the scientific names of plants sounds better in theory. It's pretty difficult.

This is just a really, really cool plant we are learning right now. Its name is Chasmanthium latifolium. Try saying that 5 times fast. (You can also call it Northern Sea Oats, but that's not as fun.)

In that class I have learned where to go get some strawberries growing on campus, and if you ever have a hankering for garlic, I know where to get some of that growing on campus too.

Anyway, enough about plants. (Actually there can never be enough about plants, but you are getting bored. I can just tell.)

I went on a date last night! It was super fun! I went ice skating, and then we drove up to the Island and looked at all of the ginormous houses up there. (Well, he looked at the houses, I looked at the Landscapes. Oops, that was about plants. Sorry.)

AND! It was email day for the best friend! I love hearing from him.

What a wonderful week! I am so blessed!

P.S. Edelweiss is a white flower found in the Alps. How cool is that? The things you learn when you google "Songs about flowers"

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