Thanksgiving: Food, Fun, Family
Food: Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes (these almost weren't on the thanksgiving table), chocolate cream pie, pumpkin pie, winter salad, oh and the all important CHEESE BALL. Odd that that is my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner but it is. If you are laughing at me right now just ask me for the recipe of this cheese ball and you will understand.
Fun: Football! The Biennial Hunt Family Turkey Bowl went underway yesterday around 11:30. I actually played this year. And I am feeling the consequences. Don't worry. I'll be fine. But my team did lose. (Actually I claim the other team cheated. They stacked their team.)
Family: Ah my family is great. They love me and I know it. I love them as well. I love playing princess makeover with my cousins, I love having to keep my phone always near me because I know what will happen if one of my uncle's gets a hold of it, I love being able to talk to them, I love watching football with them. I just love spending time with them.
I love Thanksgiving. I don't like skipping over it to get to Christmas. I am blessed with so much.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Right here, Right now
This has been the longest week of my life.
But its been one of the best weeks of my life.
Mostly because of this kid. He makes it easy to be happy. <3
But its been one of the best weeks of my life.
Mostly because of this kid. He makes it easy to be happy. <3
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Past the Point of No Return
I was going to start this post off with a dictionary definition of the word stress. But I didn't find one I liked, so here is my idea.
Stress: (v) Staying up late trying to register, then having the server crash so you don't get into the classes you need to take. (The picture is of us all on our laptops trying to register. Note Kenz's face of panic.)
Now that is what I call stress. Let's start at the beginning shall we?
Once upon a time it was November 16, 2011. Every freshman on USU campus was staying up to register the classes we need for next semester.
12:01 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Mad rush to click refresh at the same time so we can register
12:02 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Campus wide panic as we realize the server is down
12:07 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Still freaking out. Someone had the brilliant idea to go find better internet. So we ask ourselves, where on campus has better internet. The INSTITUTE. So we rush there and sit on the freezing cement.
12:27 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Still sitting. Freezing. Entertaining ourselves by posting silly things on facebook, then waiting for everyone around us to comment.
12:52 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Freezing my appendages off. Decide to watch an amazing video full of really cool people who can do really cool things.
1:00 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Give in, pack up and go home.
1:08 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Watch Phantom of the Opera to try to hold back our tears. Its going to be a long night.
*Fall asleep somewhere in here. Not sure about the approximate time*
2:03 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Decide to go to bed. It wasn't worth it.
7:29 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Get a text message telling me the server is up and you can register for classes
7: 46 a.m. Nov. 17, 2011: Try to register for classes. Realize my greenhouse class is full and there is no waitlist option. Bitter and complete disappointment. *Excuse me while I go cry....Okay I'm back*
Well. There was my adventure of last night. I hope you enjoyed reading about it and not having to live it. Have a fabulous day! :)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have decided this is true. Things are always changing, always fluctuating.
People come in and out of our lives all of the time. As the age-old song says:
"Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other's gold"
I think I may have found me some gold friends this week/end.
It was so fun! We watched Psych, watched a basketball game (well actually I slept during the basketball game...I didn't mean to! I was just so tired!) Made epic wishes on 11/11/11 at 11:11 (a.m. and p.m.) had our wishes come true. (At least mine!)
We also had a jam session in the top floor of snow hall! It was great. Even though I can't participate much because I have almost no musical talent. (Although one of them did make me promise to sing for him. Gah! I'd better practice! Shake the rust off of my vocal cords...)
And we got one of them to play the guitar and sing for us. It was seriously one of the greatest things I've ever heard. He is really talented.
Then today we went to their ward because a couple of them were singing in church and we didn't want to miss that! It was beautiful as well.
This weekend was just great. That's all. :)
I have decided this is true. Things are always changing, always fluctuating.
People come in and out of our lives all of the time. As the age-old song says:
"Make new friends, but keep the old
one is silver and the other's gold"
I think I may have found me some gold friends this week/end.
It was so fun! We watched Psych, watched a basketball game (well actually I slept during the basketball game...I didn't mean to! I was just so tired!) Made epic wishes on 11/11/11 at 11:11 (a.m. and p.m.) had our wishes come true. (At least mine!)
We also had a jam session in the top floor of snow hall! It was great. Even though I can't participate much because I have almost no musical talent. (Although one of them did make me promise to sing for him. Gah! I'd better practice! Shake the rust off of my vocal cords...)
And we got one of them to play the guitar and sing for us. It was seriously one of the greatest things I've ever heard. He is really talented.
Then today we went to their ward because a couple of them were singing in church and we didn't want to miss that! It was beautiful as well.
This weekend was just great. That's all. :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Best Day
I actually did something on a Friday night this week! It was lovely! Me and my roommate decided we were going to ask someone to the girl's choice formal. So we did. And it was awesome.
We decided to make dinner and eat at our apartment rather than go out. It was a good plan. Except for the fact that there was a HUGE spider on our ceiling while we were cooking. So I ran down two flights of stairs to get someone to kill the spider. (Thanks! haha)
So they came over, we ate, we talked, realized we were super late for the dance and walked over there. Its a 20 minute walk, and it was raining. There goes my carefully done hair...
The dance was super fun. Super hot though. Then someone said something about snow so we had to go check it out. We ended up spending the whole time by the window watching the snow and dancing. It was great.
Then we realized we had to walk home in the snow. Not cool. Well, I guess it was cool. Cold actually. And my hair really was suffering by this point. (Which was soo sad because it looked amazing. One of my roommates did a waterfall braid and then I curled it. It was awesome. But I forgot to take pictures. I'll have to do it again sometime.) But all of us were soaked so it didn't matter all that much.
Then we got back to our apartment and the four of us just talked. It was so fun.
It was perfectly lovely. And we all looked fantastic.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
This is Halloween
So. Yesterday was Halloween. Guess what I dressed up as...
You guessed it. NOTHING! I know I'm super boring, but it's not like I was doing anything that required a costume.
Actually, me and my roommate went to Walmart to get a costume. This is what I was going to be: A Star Wars fan. (Not really dressing up but whatever.) I bought a T-Shirt and everything. But then we went over to see how much lightsabers were. They were like $10.00. Too much for me! So I was boring and didn't have a costume.
BUT! I actually went to a haunted house. (No matter how cheesy a haunted house it was, it still counts) Anyway. I was really scared. I hate being scared. I refuse to watch scary movies.
And on last Saturday Evening, October 29, 2011, when everybody and their dog went to the HOWL, me and my friends stayed in and watched "Lie to Me" its pretty much our new favorite show. We watched 4 episodes that night. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much by not going to the HOWL. (I.E. Sketchy dancing, sketchy costumes, plus questionable sobriety...I know its a dry campus but that doesn't mean people don't sneak stuff in.)
After the haunted house we watched the Mummy. Good movie, although a lot of people die in it! Sad. :(
So now its after Halloween and I can stop worrying about seeing scary things left and right.
On a different note: I'm going to a dance on Friday! I am super duper excited!
On yet another note. Remember that one guy, I blogged about him awhile back. (If you don't remember, or have never read it, click here.) Well anyway, I finally told him today that I didn't think it was going to work to go on a date with him.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for details of the super fun dance!
You guessed it. NOTHING! I know I'm super boring, but it's not like I was doing anything that required a costume.
Actually, me and my roommate went to Walmart to get a costume. This is what I was going to be: A Star Wars fan. (Not really dressing up but whatever.) I bought a T-Shirt and everything. But then we went over to see how much lightsabers were. They were like $10.00. Too much for me! So I was boring and didn't have a costume.
BUT! I actually went to a haunted house. (No matter how cheesy a haunted house it was, it still counts) Anyway. I was really scared. I hate being scared. I refuse to watch scary movies.
And on last Saturday Evening, October 29, 2011, when everybody and their dog went to the HOWL, me and my friends stayed in and watched "Lie to Me" its pretty much our new favorite show. We watched 4 episodes that night. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much by not going to the HOWL. (I.E. Sketchy dancing, sketchy costumes, plus questionable sobriety...I know its a dry campus but that doesn't mean people don't sneak stuff in.)
After the haunted house we watched the Mummy. Good movie, although a lot of people die in it! Sad. :(
So now its after Halloween and I can stop worrying about seeing scary things left and right.
On a different note: I'm going to a dance on Friday! I am super duper excited!
On yet another note. Remember that one guy, I blogged about him awhile back. (If you don't remember, or have never read it, click here.) Well anyway, I finally told him today that I didn't think it was going to work to go on a date with him.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for details of the super fun dance!
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