Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TV Talkin' Song

So update on my head.

I got a concussion from that lovely little accident.

But no worries! I'm healthy and happy again.

And things have been going really well for me lately.

I've been super busy with homework and school stuff but I like staying busy!

But I do find time to do fun stuff! Don't you even worry.

Here are some things that I do for fun:

Duck Dynasty. If you have never watched this you don't know what entertainment is. Watch it. Now. In fact! Here is a  URL for you:

I stare at Captain Hook and all of the other attractive men on the show "Once upon a time" Again, If you have never watched this you are crazy and should fix it. Its on hulu. Look it up.

This are the men from Vampire Diaries. Now do you understand why I watch it? Besides the fact that it is super good and makes me cry. 
I just realized that the things that I do for entertainment revolve around TV.

How terrible.

But once I finish doing my homework I just want to sit on my bed and do nothing except stare.

Oh except I did carve a pumpkin yesterday. It was cool. We made a cat. It was creative, but not really.

1 comment:

  1. I love the captain Hook one. He and I are made for each other. It just hurts me knowing that someone that attractive is actually alive!!! Anyway- I love him as well as Pinocchio, the Huntsman, ALL of the princes (charming.... sigh), and occasionally I get the sweets for the Mad Hatter
