Thursday, January 24, 2013

(Re) Introducing Me

Well, Norbert is still MIA (missing in action)

I'm really beginning to miss that guy.

Norbert happens to be my computer if you are scratching your head and saying "huh?" right about now.

So here I am in a school computer lab finishing up some assignments that are due within the next couple of days.

It has been quite a while since I last blogged so let me just make a quick list of all the things that have changed for me in the last little while.

1. I'm going to be an AUNT! A little baby will be coming into the world at the end of June to say hello! I cannot wait for that little child to get here. He/She will always call me Auntie. Always.

2. My roommate decided not to come back to school. I have mixed feelings about this fact. I miss her A LOT! But this experience has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and to meet new people. It has also helped rekindle old friendships that I was stupid enough to let slip.

3. Aforementioned roommate/best friend is getting MARRIED! I am so thrilled for her and her fiance!

4. I started a new semester at Utah State University as an official member of the A-Team. This is a huge blessing for me. We are already forging friendships that will last a long time.

5. I bought a leather (fake leather) jacket.

6. I have a high score of 5,813,884 (yep, that's over 5 million) in Temple Run 2.

7. I got an Iphone for Christmas! I have joined the ranks of smart phone users/abusers.

8. I am working on organization skills. Both outwardly, as well as in my brain.

9. I am enrolled in "Preparing for a Celestial Marriage" for my insitute class. Yep, the marriage class. And I love it. But don't expect an announcement any time soon! I'm still working on being the best Hayley I can be.

10. I am working on smiling at people as I walk to classes. Most of my classes are in the morning in this snow-ridden place so smiling is not really the first thought that comes to my brain in the morning. But smile I do. And it makes me happy.

Well, that was just a really quick list of some things going on with me! I hope you are having a lovely day!

Keep smiling!

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