Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'll be Missing You

Some days are harder than others.

Today is one of those hard days.

I just really want my best friend!

One of those hugs, smiles, laughs.

Almost 8 months now.

People keep telling me, just you wait! You'll find somebody new and never look back.

I don't want to regret anything.
But why? Why is it that just because he is gone for 2 years I have to forget about him?

Why can't we both be working on each other separately before we try to make it work together.
I know I'm not forgetting, but is he?

Don't worry. I'm not announcing any marriage plans for when he gets back. Who knows? Maybe they are right. Maybe I will hate what he becomes.


I will love what he has worked so hard to become. He will be closer to Heavenly Father. He will have had a hard 2 years.

But he will still be him. 

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