Friday, March 8, 2013

If We Were A Movie

My life is seriously one big awkward moment after another.

I am not kidding.

Here is yet another example of "Why Hayley's Life Should Be a Movie"

Me and my friend are casually strolling out of my friend's birthday party going to my other friend's house. (That makes me sound really popular. I'm not.)

As we are walking to our apartment building these two guys look lost, so being the absolutely kind and friendly people that we are, we stopped and asked them what they needed.

They looked like they were looking for a specific person/people. (I mean they had our ward directory in their hands.)

All of a sudden I am wrapped in this guys arms and he starts dancing with me. (Now normally I would say this was a dream and I am so thrilled that this happened, but in real life it is a little (a lot) creepy.)

Now, we are just dancing in the parking lot, and as flattered as I am, I was late.

Here's where things went from "Hmm...he's really gutsy" to "Hmm...these guys are potential creepers."

They said and I quote "I think you should invite us into your apartment now."

How about no.

And then the guy that hasn't let go of me during this whole exchange tells me that we will be getting married in September.


I gave him my number because A. He was cute, B. He had guts, and C. Because I knew I would never hear from him again.

I know that this written account does not give it justice, but it gives you some idea of why I think that someone should follow me around with a video camera and make me the star of a Reality TV Show entitled

"Girl is Awkward."

Okay...the title needs work. A lot of work.

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