Thursday, April 5, 2012

Everything you do

Oh hello everyone.

I am going to write a poem for you.

This is a poem
of a girl far from hoem. (Like home, but rhymes with poem. Just laugh)
of her life here at college
learning about foliage. (I'm trying.)

One day this girl
met a boy who set her heart awhirl. (Oh yeah, getting cheesier.)

Okay, Okay, I'll stop.

But there is a boy.

And he is great.


  1. :D Hayley's in Love. Or like, or whatever the word for love in Utah culture is... Hmm.. I see, poem sounds like home, but you switched the 'e' and the 'm' in home to look like "hoem." I like it. :)

    1. haha I really wish I knew who wrote that comment, because that is funny.
