Monday, April 9, 2012

Waste Some Time

I'm a procrastinator.

If it was an Olympic sport I would be a gold medalist.

Take a look at the things me and my roommate did while she was supposed to be studying, and I was supposed to be writing a paper.

Our ankles. Mohawk guy and his Girlfriend.

My anklet. In case you can't see that says "H+J"
It means something, just guess...
Anyway, so now I am procrastinating further by writing this blog post. I thought you would enjoy our drawings though...I'm just thinking of you, my loyal readers.

Have a wonderful evening/afternoon/morning/whenever you read this.


  1. I know what H+J means!!! Hayley Johnson! DUH!!!! ;) hehe just kidding.

    1. Haha that's what everyone thought today at FHE!
