Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's my life!

Oh my goodness my life has been so interesting this past week! Want to hear about it?

Of course you do or you wouldn't be reading this blog...

Unless you stumbled here by accident. In which case WELCOME! I hope you enjoy my ramblings.

Anyway. Back to the story of my wonderful life. (Does that sound conceited? I hope not. Because I really am blessed with a wonderful life.)
She had a track meet so she came! and I got to see her! And I realized how much I have completely missed her! :)

And then THE BOYS CAME! 

Of course we had to show them the "A" that they could become true aggies on!

I just love them. I don't even know what is going on in this picture.

Of course he has to pick the guy's nose...

We sort of did something illegal. We slipped through the fence and got onto the football field to take pictures. 

He's a dork. 
I am just so blessed with the greatest friends. I got to visit with my old friends, while still hanging out with my new friends. 

Don't you just love it when old and new friends just get along so well?

Me too.

Again...I am so blessed.

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